Baccano! The Complete Series


I'm at a loss for words… When I discovered Baccano! (mostly due to pure luck), I had high expectations due to the praise it received from the small amount of people who actually watched it. Having seen this, I realize that I've never had so much fun watching a TV show before watching Baccano!, a series that can’t just be described as phenomenal or amazing. Words can’t describe the grand nature of this show which many underestimate due to it being part of a genre known as animation, causing it to be skipped by many skeptics.

While it’s a joy to watch Baccano!, its a pain to explain the story, which is probably another reason why it continues to be an unknown gem in the anime industry. The story takes place in the 1930s across multiple storylines: a group of alchemist who gain immortality and have put their abilities to use in the mafia, a three way train robbery on the transcontinental “Flying Pussyfoot”, a mafia turf war between two families, and a person named Eve Genoard searching for her lost brother Dallas Geonard. These are a few of the many storylines that take place in Baccano!, each taking place simultaneously while the storyline switches through each plothread. This may sound confusing, but in reality…it is. Baccano! requires that the viewer watch every single episode while paying close attention to the events that unfold. Those who believe that the show will make no sense can be described as idiotic, as the show is a bit confusing at first, but manages to link each event together, making for an extremely satisfying experience.

The characters are where Baccano! shines, as the cast of characters are all full of energy and all manage to leave an impression on you. What is surprising is the fact that none of the characters are the focal points of any of the stories presented. This is unexpected, since the lack of any focal point what-so-ever should make the characters weak and lack impact. However, using the power of strong storytelling, outstanding writing and dialogue, and a great sense of style makes them the best cast of characters to ever grace an anime.
Animation looks great with beautiful environments, expressive character models, and stellar action scenes. The faces of the characters need a little more polish, but they are expressive, with sadistic characters looking…well…sadistic. Action scenes are also fantastic, with characters utilizing knives, guns and hand to hand combat for some fantastic fights that are plentiful in this anime. Did I mention that the blood and gore looks beautiful?

Speaking of blood and gore, Baccano! is a surprisingly brutal anime, with bodies being torn apart, fingers being crushed, heads being blown off, etc. This should be a clear warning for small children under the age of 13, as this will make many cringe. However, it does enhance the overall “fun” of this show (since my definition of fun is quite sadistic). Seeing someone brutally murder countless mafia members has never been this much fun since the days of the old American Gangster flicks.

The sound is phenomenal, with terrific voice casting, satisfying sound effects, and an addicting sound track. The Japanese voice casting is solid, but it never matches up to the English voice cast, which can be safely called the greatest dubbing for an anime since Cowboy Bebop. The sound effects include authentic weapon sounds, satisfying punches, and a lot of explosions. The opening is Guns & Roses by Paradise Lunch, a song which captures the energy of the show and further enhances the 1930s American gangster film feel.

Baccano is the Italian word for ruckus, meaning it would be appropriate to call Baccano! the greatest baccano to ever grace a screen. While it’s length may be an issue for some (13 episodes and 3 OVA's), each episode is chock full events, making every single one of them entertaining and engrossing. Those who want to watch the greatest anime to ever grace a DVD should pre order Baccano! The Complete Series Box Set which will be available December 29, 2009. I guarantee that it will be the cause of much enjoyment for those who buy this legendary product.

Bamboo Blade Volume 1


My review for Bamboo Blade Volume 1 has been published. Link here.
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Itazura na Kiss Volume 1 (Omnibus)


My review for Itazura na Kiss Volume 1 has been published. Link here.
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I am an IDIOT!


DAMMIT!!! My stupidity/carelessness/overconfidence(circle your pick), has caused about an hour of temporary depression. Having requested Baccano! The Complete Box Set for my Christmas list, I have failed to realize that Baccano! The Complete Box Set comes out December 29th. What causes great self loathing, is not that I'm not going to get it, but the fact that I was spending hours researching the product, forgetting to check if it actually was released! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!! (Abusing myself)

At least the present will actually be a surprise.

Maximum Ride Volume 2


My review for Maximum Ride Volume 2 has been published. Link Here.
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Maximum Ride Volume 1


My review for Maximum Ride Volume 1 has been published. Link Here.
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Snow Day


For winter break, we have gone to Brewster in the Cape Cod area. It seems that the snow has hit the cape early, due to at least a foot of snow being presented to me as I looked outside my window yesterday morning. I have seen lots of spectacles that I have never seen before in person. It helps me to appreciate the beauty of the cape during winter.

I can't believe I forgot the camera! (DAMMIT!)

However, the beauty can be pretty decieving, due to my stupidity nearly resulting in my demise. During an outing, I accidently locked myself out, resulting in a struggle to the front door, which was surrounded by two feet of snow. Did I mention that a blizzard was taking place while I was stuck outside? This resulted in much pain, numb fingers, and wet clothes. Reflecting on it, I realize that it could have been much worse. MUCH WORSE!



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At the bottom of the blog is this Playlist widget which I update regularly. This contains music I like. While there is not much on it, it will grow with the passing of time. ENJOY!

Pandora Hearts Volume 1


Here is the link to my review of volume one of Pandora Hearts .
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Published on the Westlake Featherduster!!!


I am proud to report that I have been published for the first time on a newspaper! This paper is the Westlake Featherduster, a newspaper for Westlake High School. The story is a review for Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days and is on page 64 and in the Rants and Raves section of the paper. I also gave a sidebar with tips on how to play the game, so I hope they help. Those of you who are interested should pick up a copy of The Westlake Featherduster, an for more information go to

A review show I found interesting.




I have gotten a position in the Manga Jouhou (, reviewing staff! I am so glad, since I can finally gain some experience and assist the staff of Manga Jouhou. Thank you for accepting me, Manga Jouhou.