Moore Assaults Capitalism

Michael Moore delivers a hilarious and powerful documentary about the corruption of our American economic system.

Love or hate him, there is no doubt that Michael Moore is a key voice in political and social activism. After the brilliance of Bowling for Columbine and the tragic (if hilarious) Sicko and Fahrenheit 9/11, Capitalism: A Love Story premiered with high expectations. It doesn't match up to its predecessors, but it stands on its own with powerfully tragic scenarios, a strong (if one-sided) conclusion and typical Moore-style cinematography that has defined this filmmaker since Roger & Me.

The film is an argument against capitalism which he believes, enables the upper class to take advantage of the middle and lower class. Armed with shocking facts, critical analysis, humor, and witty dialogue, Moore not only criticise our current economic system, but launches a war on it, assaulting it with with moral questions, statistics and heartbreaking interviews with the victims of this system. It is likely that regardless of your opinion of Michael Moore, you will at least believe that our economic system must be changed by the end of this film.

The interviews with the American citizens aren't as moving as Sicko or Fahrenheit 9/11, but it isn't the interviews, but rather conspiracies that are the spotlight of this film. Each one will either shock you or drive you to tears, another trademark of Moore's films. The film shows appalling incidents, such as privately controlled juvenile detention centers gone awry, and shocking regulations or documents that will make your jaw drop. Moore criticizes the people behind the economic corruption, armed with banter and cleverness, using a calm monologue to destroy the image of the wrongdoers.

Unfortunately Moore's opinions tend to be a bit extreme (typical of Moore's personality), which is likely to anger Moore haters, capitalists, and "right wing nut jobs." Moore's film isn't wholly accurate either, since he frequently manipulates the footage, causing lots of intentional misinterpretations between the interviewee and the viewer. This probably will anger a few people, but it does assist Moore in making a strong argument.

Michael Moore doesn't disappoint with his slam on our economic system. He does go a bit extreme with his opinions, but he does make valid claims. The director seems to know what he is talking about, as he gives the viewer the impression that he is a man of the people. While I don't always agree with him, I believe that Michael Moore candidly speaks for the American people.

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